Sunday, July 11, 2010

Definition II: Expatriate


  1. An exile: a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country; "American expatriates"
  2. One who lives outside one’s own country;
  3. One who has been banished from one’s own country; 
  4. A person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing or legal residence.
  5. Someone who lives outside their home country for work or lifestyle purposes.
  1. To expel from a country;
  2. To move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad
  3. To banish (a person) from his or her native country;
  4. To drive or force (a person) from his own country;
  5. To make an exile of;
  6. To withdraw from (oneself) from residence and or allegiance in ones native country;
  7. To renounce the rights and liabilities of citizenship where one is born.


  1. banish, deport, displace, exile, expel, expulse, ostracize, oust, proscribe, relegate, transport 
  2. departer, deportee, displaced person, emigrant, evacuee, exile, expellee, migrant, outcast, refugee, émigré
  1. 1768, from French expatrier "banish," from ex- "out of" + patrie "native land,
  2. From L. patria "one's native country," from pater (gen. patris) "father."
  3. The noun is from 1818, "one who has been banished;"
  4. Main modern sense of "one who chooses to live abroad" is 1902.

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