Thursday, July 8, 2010

Definition I: Caché


  1. Anything hidden or a hiding place, especially one in the ground, stored for future use: ammunition, food, treasures, valuables...etc..
  2. An Alaskan and Canadian architectural term for a small shed elevated on poles above the reach of animals and used for storing food, equipment, etc. 
  3. A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables
  4. Stores of food made by many species of animals that are usually hidden from the sight of competing individuals of the same species or others in hopes of future consumption
  5. A store of things that will be required in the future, and can be retrieved rapidly. A cache may, or may not, be hidden or concealed.
  6. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics.  It is the fastest temporary storage available where most recent or most frequent data values are stored to avoid having to reload from a slower storage medium.  It is is used in CPUs, hard drives, and a variety of other components.
  7. A component or temporary space that improves performance by transparently storing information so that future recollections can be expedited.
-verb (used with object)
  1. to put in a cache; conceal; hide, hoard, stockpile, reserve, storage, secrete.
  • accumulate, bury, conceal, cover, ditch, duck, ensconce, hive up, hoard, lay away, lay aside, maintain, park, plant, put away, put in the hole, save, save up screen, secrete, squirrel, squirrel away, stash, stash away, store.
  1. 1797, "hiding place," from Fr. Canadian trappers' slang,
  2.  "hiding place for stores" (1660s), 
  3. A back formation from Fr. cacher  "to hide, conceal" (13c., O.Fr. cachier ), 
  4. from Fr. vernacular language coacticare  "store up, collect, compress," 
  5. freq. of Latin. coactare  "constrain," from coactus  pp. of cogere  "to collect".
  6. Sense extended by 1830s to "anything stored in a hiding place."

"cache." Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. 08 Jul. 2010.>.

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